Raiz Malaysia Dividend Distribution as of FYE March 2021.

M. A. Zarkey
3 min readJul 25, 2021


There must be a solid reason why you’ve come here.

Hey everyone. Welcome back. I guess this is the follow up writings on the previous one where I write about Raiz platform for Malaysian. For those that never heard of Raiz, it’s a platform that provide Malaysian the place to save and invest at the same time by using your spare changes after some purchasing made online. Raiz platform invest your money in one of the 3 portfolios available inside the ASNB funds. If you like to know more, please check out my previous writing where you can learn more here;


When did I joined Raiz ?

Even though Raiz were launched in Malaysia since June 2020, but that’s not the month that I joined the ship. I believe that could be due to the fact that I missed the news, or basically I’m still beginner in investing and have no idea yet on which platform should I step into. I joined Raiz on almost at the end of January this year (Yes, 2021), after did some background researches on the platform. Yes, I joined almost 6–7 months late from the launching. Well, it’s better late than never, isn’t it?

Even so at the time of joining I still have not much idea on where the money being invested until I found some videos made by these financial and investment experts. At the time I still thought that ASN and ASB is still the same thing, where their FYE will be on the final day of the year which turns out to be wrong. The FYE for ASB is on 31st Dec while ASN is on 31st March every year.

How much Dividend distribution that I got?

Like I already stated above, I joined the investment platform at the end of January, and the FYE is at the end of March. Now let’s just skip to the chase, the amount of total dividend distribution for all 3 funds that are managed by PNB for Raiz users as well as those investor that open their account from ASNB agents, are as follow;

0.0353 cent for Equity 3 fund.

0.0352 cent for Sara 1 fund.

Now, the dividends that I got is taken only from the funds that are involves with my portfolio, which are Equity 3 and Sara 1 fund. These are the only funds that are in my Aggressive portfolio. Imbang 2 fund is in Moderate portfolio. As of FYE of Mac 2021, my investment from January until Mac, I’ve managed to collect about 195.1516 Units from Equity 3 and 39.46772 Units from Sara 1 funds. Total units collected for ~RM 220 saved are 234.61932 Units. YES, it is not the same because along the way, I managed to predict and Buy Units when their price is lower.

The bonus is calculated by taking all the Units from the respective fund and multiply it with the dividend distribution. From basic multiplication, I managed to collect up to RM 8.28 of dividend for 3 months of saving. The calculation is as follow;

For Equity 3 dividend bonus:-

The dividend per share is 3.53 sen/Unit, or RM 0.0353/Unit. Thus the dividend paid for Equity 3 is,

0.0353 x 195.1516 = RM 6.8888

For Sara 1 dividend bonus:-

The dividend per is 3.52 sen/Unit, or RM 0.0352/Unit. Thus the dividend paid for Sara 1 is,

0.0352 x 39.46772 = RM 1.3893

So, overall total dividend that were credited into my account is RM 8.28, after being rounded up. This dividend is not being credited into my bank account, instead, they were reinvested into Units of April 1 price.

Reinvested Dividend

Now, that’s merely a 2 or 3 months total of constant saving in an Aggressive portfolio, where by saving up to RM 220, I managed to get a RM8.28 return in a short time. It could be more if I know Raiz since its emergence and study investment much more earlier, especially in Mutual Funds.

Raiz investment and Mutual Funds saving is about a long term investment. The longer and higher the saving, the higher the returns in a long term period.



M. A. Zarkey

When the sunsets we both the same; half of the shadow, half burnt in flame.